He Is Risen. Jesus appeared to His disciples on the third day after His crucifixion and they believed. It was only the beginning however. Caiaphas in disbelief of Jesus sought to destroy the followers and all signs of Jesus ever having taught. Pontius Pilate under the tyranny of Tiberias and soon Caligula was eager to quell any revolt in the city. Jesus is Risen, but we followers are deep deep deep underground. But not for long.
Advice to the young...and old.
Kosciuszko's Advice to a Youth To do honor to your family and yourself and at my recommendation, you must reread what follows every day so that it will be engraved on your memory on which your well being will depend. Rise at four in the summer and six in the winter. Your first thoughts must be directed towards the Supreme Being; worship Him for a few minutes. Set yourself to work with reflection and intelligence, either at your prescribed duty carried out in the most scrupulous manner, or perfect yourself in some science in which you should have true mastery. Avoid lying under any circumstances in your life, but always be frank and loyal and always tell the truth. Never be idle but be sober and frugal even hard on yourself while indulgent to others. Do not be vain nor an egotist (1763 https://www.etymonline.com/word/egoist). Before speaking or answering on something, reflect and consider well in order not to lose your point and say something stupid. Never fail to give due recogniti...