Attorney for the President Jay Sekulow and his company make a strong and impassioned defense of President Trump and offer compelling evidence in his defense.  BUT: it begs the question, if the President is so very innocent why did he not come forward and co-operate with subpoenas, documents, and testimony?  His refusal to do so breaks with the fundamental Constitutional Right of We the People who live under the frightening Power and Authority of his Command. To in turn Command him to account for his actions by calling him to answer the charges of impeachment is the recourse we are guaranteed by the Constitution. The President is now guilty of  breaking this sacred trust and this treason with his Sovereign Body, the electorate.
I recommend a change in the States apportionment of electoral college votes to reflect the votes of the districts they represent so that the college reflects the majority vote of the people and not the contestant who can game the system.  


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