Nobody asked for my opinion but I am going to give it, as the namesake of Ratifier of The Constitution of United States of America Peter Zabriskie: People with guns not withstanding their social standing, be that Citizen, or Military, or hired for public service Police do not come out from under the 2nd Amendment which says ""A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."" A WELL REGULATED....Not as a Military personel, as a Citizen, OR as a Police Officer is your right to bear arms EVER - NOT - WELL REGULATED.  To me this also includes the interference of a Labor Union in the Regulation. So Get Under the Law of the Land and be a part of the Solution, or continue to break the Law and suffer the consequences and be a part of the Problem.


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