46 And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost. 


Where are those hands? Invisible? In the Past? God Spoke and the World was made. In the Future? Here we are, are we the recipients of Jesus Spirit? Well, the Bible says Yes. Jesus gave up the Ghost and on Pentecost The Holy Ghost descended upon the Disciples giving them tongues to speak The Word and power. The Holy Ghost in Jesus' words is one like him who comes to give us comfort and strength. If We are recipients of the Spirit, then the generations in the Future which lay before us must also be recipients. Look into the Future that is approaching us at breakneck speed and literally descending from the heavens and will be rolling them up and replacing them with a new heaven and a new earth. Science has confirmed it. The enormous body of stars above our heads and on a collision course with us will one day sweep away all the stars we see and put new ones in their place. I think we owe it then, to the generations that will see these astounding events, a world and a Spirit they can hold on to in Truth!  


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