
Showing posts from December, 2020
 Little Prince. Niggle and his leaf. Tom Bombadillo and Willow, Rivers daughter. The Boy with the Sun and Moon and Seven Stars on his forehead. Dreams and dreamers. Sandman's sand in our eyes. Crossed stars in our heaven's. This verse with a rhyme for the last, making heart strings s ail, oar, like the harp of a thousand strings. The souls of just men made perfect.  I dreamt I was a father. To a son I have never seen. To a voice I heard calling. Have you forgotten me? Have I ever been? To a daughter. A life so precious. Life within Life unseen. Fragile and unprotected. Fortressed in armor with steels' glistening sheen. And helpless under the stars I lift up: breath, blood, and logos gleaned: from time in water, air, and fire. Rhyme again here poet. The wisdom or folly or fall is writ, sealed, pressed together.  
 To punish a woman for ending a pregnancy is like punishing the gunshot victim and letting the Shooter go free! In both cases the truth is the one who pulled the trigger is at fault.
 It is a cold dark star-light December 24th and Lt Col Brown was pushing forward on the yoke leveling the B-1 Stealth off at 60,000. At mach 2, twice the speed of sound or in the neighborhood of 1400 mph the crew would be ready to deploy their load in 20 minutes.  The American political Left and Right had finally fractured and when the embassy in China was taken hostage the out-going President launched an nuclear strike on Beijing.  The morning news would have read " US at War with China" and the ghastly holocaust that was Beijing would fill horror stricken people of the world except a lone astronomer Hou Won on Mauna Kea Observatory's main telescope eyed the silhouette of the B1 crossing the face of the full moon. Knowing the network news anchor Cin Di in New York he wasted no time in relaying the news. Along with his speed and direction calculations that left little doubt Beijing was the bombers target.  The news hit the media with more force than the nuclear warhe...