Little Prince. Niggle and his leaf. Tom Bombadillo and Willow, Rivers daughter. The Boy with the Sun and Moon and Seven Stars on his forehead. Dreams and dreamers. Sandman's sand in our eyes. Crossed stars in our heaven's. This verse with a rhyme for the last, making heart strings s ail, oar, like the harp of a thousand strings. The souls of just men made perfect.
I dreamt I was a father. To a son I have never seen. To a voice I heard calling. Have you forgotten me? Have I ever been? To a daughter. A life so precious. Life within Life unseen. Fragile and unprotected. Fortressed in armor with steels' glistening sheen. And helpless under the stars I lift up: breath, blood, and logos gleaned: from time in water, air, and fire. Rhyme again here poet. The wisdom or folly or fall is writ, sealed, pressed together.