
Showing posts from March, 2021
 Guns, gold, and the NRA.  Again the Country is rocked by shots from guns in the hands of mentally disturbed individuals. Guns that should have been locked and secured. Guns that should have been, Well Regulated Militia hardware.  But the Country instead is turning it’s attention to the skyrocketing price of gold and fortunes to be made. And the ramblings of the political sideshow of the NRA.  Countrymen listen to the wisdom of your 1st Commander in Chief: get vaccinated! Get in formation! Get together with your brothers of all colors and backgrounds! Or get out of the way!  
The authors of the Constitution knew when they came to the Amending of it, that it constituted the beginning of the slippery slope. I.E.the enumerating of the freedoms of the Sovereign Citizens, rather than the Constitution innately granting those freedoms and allowing Congress to enumerate the limiting of them. The greater risk of failure in leaving out enumerated freedoms makes the slope slippery. The present risk of not naming the particular ones they choose out-weighed, in their minds at that time, that risk.  They left us on the slippery slope to fend for ourselves. Counting on Responsibility. The responsibility of the Sovereign Citizen to fulfill their duty to Act with temperance and respect to their fellow citizens in their exercise of the freedoms guaranteed. The responsibility of the Government to faithfully execute the Constitution of, by and for the Citizenry. To Live under the Law. The 1st great break when responsibility has failed and the precedent is the American Civi...
 The adage: “ sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.” Does NOT apply when the precedent has been set words, signs, symbols of hate, aggression, and intimidation result in ACTUAL violence. Up to and including murder. As demonstrated by Lynchings.  Speech,, provocations, intimidations creating threats to persons, home, and property are Acts of assault, and prohibited and punishable as such. The 1st Amendment does not protect them. 
 Freedom of Speech does not extend to freedom to intimidate. Speech, et. al., that threatens bodily injury, harm, assault on the citizens’ person or property is aggravated assault and not covered by 1st Amendment rights.