The authors of the Constitution knew when they came to the Amending of it, that it constituted the beginning of the slippery slope. I.E.the enumerating of the freedoms of the Sovereign Citizens, rather than the Constitution innately granting those freedoms and allowing Congress to enumerate the limiting of them.
The greater risk of failure in leaving out enumerated freedoms makes the slope slippery. The present risk of not naming the particular ones they choose out-weighed, in their minds at that time, that risk.
They left us on the slippery slope to fend for ourselves. Counting on Responsibility. The responsibility of the Sovereign Citizen to fulfill their duty to Act with temperance and respect to their fellow citizens in their exercise of the freedoms guaranteed. The responsibility of the Government to faithfully execute the Constitution of, by and for the Citizenry. To Live under the Law.
The 1st great break when responsibility has failed and the precedent is the American Civil War. Where the responsibility to observe the Founding Principle of "We hold these Truths to be self-evident All men(and women) are created equal" both Citizens and State governments failed to uphold the principle. The Country paid with over 600,000 lives, adding to that over the succeeded nearly 150 years 10's of thousands more.
Rule of Law comes with responsibility to abide by Law. Seeking to change it where objectionable through democratic process. But with the precedent and overriding agreement that the Law and the Principles laid down in the Constitution, and Declaration, are the foundation we build upon.
Without this agreement there is no Country to build, to trust, or to defend.
The ONLY free gift in the universe is the Creators' mercy. My own humble opinion.
To say it again. The freedoms enumerated as rights in our founding We agree to with commonality and come with a Cost. That cost is Responsibility.
It can only follow that failure in Responsibility results in loss of the freedoms and rights.
Libel, Slander, False Witness, had long been basic elements of Law we based our Civility and Truth in Print Principles and Law upon. In recent years these have been laid aside and falsely, I think, decreed as freedom of the 1st Amendment.
No Person is enumerated the freedom to Persecute.
No Person is enumerated the freedom to threaten: a Person, Domicile, or Property another citizen.
No Person is enumerated to incite riot against the Government, or other citizens.
The Constitution and Congress await if certain citizens desire and are able to meet the 2/3rds majority to Amend the Constitution and create these false freedoms. The slippery slope awaits. The Experiment in freedom awaits. The freedom loving citizens await. Will American be a People," dedicated to the proposition all men(and women) are Created Equal" and, "resolved that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth."
Or will it decline like Rome and so many others defending falsely perceived person freedoms, elevation of self over service, self-gratification, blood-lust, division and hatred. Over tolerance brotherhood, compromise, and love.