No One is your Master if you have Given your Self away.
F.E.A.R. - Fear is false - evidence- appearing - real.
We asked the tree to wait. One minute. The tree shook in laughter. Saying, "You are surely mad. There is no such division in time for a creation that comes from God and returns to God." "There is only the eternal being in God's presence." "Undivided." "Unity - complete."
"Laugh therefor. And be free, as the life has made you free." Saying this the tree stood immensely still and the birds alighted on it. And the insects ate of it. And the rain fell, and the tree drank it in.
Death by a thousand paper cuts. And resurrected by the stroke of a pen.
Paper with dead men's faces. Swords beaten into plowshards, plowshards honed into pens.
Writing. The pen leaves it's mark. And moves on.
10 Shalt Wisdoms
Thou shall have a Living God and need no other.
Thou shall keep a holy day to revere God.
Thou shall have faith your living God resides in your Spirit.
Thou shall revere all life.
Thou shall always be truthful.
Thou shall always bear faithful witness.
Thou shall cherish your mother.
Thou shall cherish your father.
Thou shall cherish your wife.
Thou shall always be content with the blessings God bestows on you.
Plus one +
Thou shall return good for evil. Practicing loving God and your neighbor with all your heart, all your mind, all your strength as God loves you.