The Whipping Post Defense:
PHZ 09 09 2022 

IMHO:  The logic applied here seems to me to be one carried forward from Autocratic Rule. Where in the Autocrat when found guilty of a crime could purchase a surrogate to take the punishment. I.E. be tied to the Whipping Post. Flogged. Punished. In the place of the true perpetrator of the crime. 

Again, IMHO, an Insurer is nothing more than "the whipping boy" i.e. surrogate. The party that takes on the punishment for the purchasing parties crime.  

Therefor IMHO it follows that justice is not served unless the perpetrator of the offense take on the responsibility and punishment for the offense, less in the future the option to buy release from responsibility remains an option. 

Thanks be to God we have Jesus of Nazareth who took on our punishment and interceded on our behalf at the time of facing God that our judgement will be tempered. If Christ be thought of as "only" a "whipping boy" our souls need to be searched for the depth and nature of God.  Knock and it will be opened, Jesus said. also, ask and you will receive. Job is a good place to start. The parable of the prodigal son is a good place to reflect. The parable Jesus told of the Vineyard owner and his son is a good place to conclude. 


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