The Right to Life is the call. The political weapon of choice. But Life where and of whom? The political power holders moving the money and the Name of God with unrelenting self-serving interest proclaim to act in the name of the unborn. But they do not act in favor of Life of those in prison, those under threat from unregulated arms, those under threat from weapons of mass destruction of regulated arms. Those persecuted for their gender. Those persecuted for their faith. Those persecuted for their desire for happiness. The thin veil they hide their self-serving agenda of control of the People is a lie. By wielding their assumed superior knowledge of God and the guilt of the unborn. Whom may or may not desire to participate in our hell on earth. As we are officially cast out of the Garden by the same God. Until these persecutors are willing to completely surrender to the Commandment of Jesus, Lord of All: and Love one another, do not kill, beat your swords into ploughshares,...
Showing posts from June, 2023
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COMPELLING. Webster's or Funk and Wagnall's or any definition of this adjective leaves us light-years short of; the consequences' in history it brings. The 'road not taken' or 'the journey begun with a single step'. As a result of: the un-seen force heard, or seen, or felt, or somehow absorbed into our being, our self, our abyss beyond the sleep hidden place with-in us, A place that is beyond the talking, writing, pinching, waking person we believe we are. And literally picks up our feet, puts our hands, eyes, ears, mouth, and butt in motion. Throwing us in the path of the hurtling train that is circumstance. also called history, or time, or fate or destiny. With no thought of what lies on the other side. It should sound or look or ring in our being more deeply than this adjective that is used so lightly. Do you know it? or are the walls so high around you the dogma of your ideals takes you down the road well, and most travelled?
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So it has come upon the People that members of the Republican party are competing for attention to be elected. More-over competing to sound out the belief if there is such a thing as a Republican party any longer in the wake Mr. D. Trump and January 6, 2021. So let us look a few of the words of histories leading Republican. Mr. A. Lincoln. First Debate: Ottawa, Illinois August 21, 1858 (excerpt) A VOICE- "Then do you repudiate Popular Sovereignty?" MR. LINCOLN-Well, then, let us talk about Popular Sovereignty! [Laughter.] What is Popular Sovereignty? [Cries of "A humbug," "a humbug."] Is it the right of the people to have Slavery or not have it, as they see fit, in the territories? I will state-and I have an able man to watch me-my understanding is that Popular Sovereignty, as now applied to the question of slavery, does allow the people of a Territory to have slavery if they want to, but does not allow them not to have it if they do not want it. [Appla...
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Ms. Condoleezza Rice, previous Secretary of State, pianist extraordinaire, Russian speaker, and professor: speaking to an audience at Boy Scouts of America. She is raising her hand in emphasis of explaining why "American" is a word of catholic i.e. universal, application not to be denigrated as her Stanford University IT team had attempted. In Ms. Rice's words, "there can be Afro-Americans, German-Americans, Native-Americans, Mexican-Americans..." "Americans is an inclusive term." The point is well made. And has been made from from George Washington on down. This Nation of Peoples' from multitudinous ethnic and cultural roots come together under one Constitution are unique upon the face of the earth. As all other countries are built on the native populations of those countries. Possibly excluding Russia which exterminated the native Eskimo population when the Caucasian population occupied the northern steppe. The fact that America has this i...