Competion Vs. Cooperation: As it is relevant to a Nation, a world of Nations, and Their Unity The 'Great Divide' so painful in our 21st Century United States, and the World in a larger context, is boiled down to two fundamental and diametrical opposed approaches to social structure. On one side, i.e. face of the coin, is Competion. The fundamental belief Life is 'survival of the fitest', Macro and Micro economics are ' "Free" Market- Place' playing fields, Education is instruction in physical prowess and bare necessity rhetorical skills, and World Peace is secured through Military Power, Domination, and Threat. On the other side, or face of the coin, is Cooperation. Or in synonym Compassion. The fundamental belief, again seemingly in our present world diametrically opposed, that Life is attained through cooperation, joining of efforts i.e. team-work to acheive shared goals, Macro and Micro economics are 'Social' Market Places where profits attained by group efforts are divided among those creating those profits (and along the way supporting those un-able to work to make profits), Education is instruction in Rhetorical Skills, Arts, and Sciences first and physical skills second, and World Peace is secured through Aliances, Shared Goals, and a Functional Treaty Organization of Nations where-in aggression upon any weaker Nation is met with response from United World Nations. The 'Adage" upon which our Nation is built is as true in 18th Century as it is now. "IF We don't Hang Together, We most certainly will Hang Alone!"


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