There are so many issues in the World this January beginning the new year of 2024 yet I can only remark on a few.
Israel's leader in the face of his judgement in his own courts' for corruption and discontent with his own electorate for usurping the power of the Citizenries' Supreme Court, defies humanities call for restraint. Instead embracing Machiavellian pursuit of the eradication of his enemies the Palestinian People. A pursuit and "Final Solution" that can only be compared to Adolph Hitler the very same nemesis the Jewish People have held out to Us the "Free World" as their ultimate polar opposite. How can a People who hold that a God of mercy and justice is their focus, ignore their core belief and practice the tactics of their supreme oppressor? For me this echoes the words of Jesus, "You brood of vipers!" When He condemned the Jewish Sanhedrin.
Where is the difference in the response of The Nations of The Free World when it has come to the Invasion of Ukraine by (again Machiavellian) Putin, and the Child and Woman killing in Gaza by Netanyahu.

The guilt ridden super rich are calling for The Nations' attention to Tax them. It could be a stunt for publicity. Or a chink in the Devils' armor. The Declaration of Independence was Signed, "We Pledge Our Sacred Honor AND Our Fortunes."
I take them literally to mean their monies, not just their "fates."