Written 01/31/2024 in response to Deuteronomy 20 set up as an example of God's not being merciful and laying down the Law to the Israelites about how to make room for "the alien" in their land. Which I cited in Deuteronomy 19.
So here is a chestnut to chew on. These two back to back chapters of Deuteronomy appear to be in complete contradiction. 19 offers Mercy, 20 says slay and kill every living thing.
Like so many people I thought and thought how can one book about One God be soooooo contradictory.
My read on it? IMHO. When Adam realized he was being expelled from the Garden of Eden to carry on fathering children with Eve, who was bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh (who is your flesh of your flesh? Not your wife.) They were follow close behind by Satan. The Devil and God generation after generation wrote down "The Words of God." Stop here...the Tree of Knowledge made Adam like God .... What God is being written down? IMHO BOTH GOD AND SATAN are speaking in the Bible. Right up until Christ appears and it is then it is for us to "knock and it will be opened" "ask and it shall be received."
Point: Would God really ask Abraham to slay his child only to change His mind at the last second? Could it not make more sense that Satan speaking in a voice so indistinguishable from God is leading Abraham astray and in the last second God steps in.
The first question Psychiatrists ask is, "are you hearing voices?" Why is that?
And if you, like me have ever been close to losing your mind it is a terrifying place to be. And there are today countless People that due to drugs, the internet's dark web and false preaching about The Almighty, are neglecting the work that goes into a Spiritual journey to discover the infinite.
Yes Sir Deuteronomy Does say "Go Forth and Slay Every Living Thing in Every City You Come Into." But in a Book that is made of A Sharp Two Edge Sword ... Do you believe the angry dog or the friendly dog? Depends on Which One you Feed. Right?
edit 04/26/24 spelling, puncutation
edit 04/26/24 spelling, puncutation