
Showing posts from July, 2024
 There were two men, who desired change. Change for people. People in the land where they lived. They both committed suicide.  Did either of them bring about the change for the people the sought? Either in their land or elsewhere? Will the passing of time bring an answer to this question?
 Israeli knesset has voted to never grant Palestinian independence or peace or land. Claiming rights over all of Gaza and the West Bank.   In this extremist light the solution I see to secure Middle East peace for ourselves and avoid Armageddon as Arab nations unite to fight Israel drawing US into a conflict we supply with troops is: Withdraw all the remaining Palestinian population in the West Bank and Gaza to the United States. Establish them on a path to citizenship.  Provide housing and health temporarily ( clossed military bases could be used). Provide paths for loans to establish businesses.  Levy Israel a tribute to pay for 1. their newly acquired land at ours and the world's expense for never peacefully establishing their State in 1946 but taking it by force over the objections of all the WWII nations. 2. the cost of resettling the Palestinian people in the U.S..  The US taking this action keeps the Palestinians as a people vs a complete dispersion. Which is the Israeli obj
 The credible threat exists that a coordinated nuclear strike on the continental United States could force us to rapid capitulation. Under the existential threat of complete nuclear attack which would render the continental United States an uninhabitable radioactive Desert. A Desert that could be left to die for centuries while the remaining land masses could survive. 
 So a resume may exclude too many good candidates. Possibly removing the Justice Department from the Executive Branch  The Executive i.e.the President being above the Law as it now stands  Supremely so because of the ability to fire the only persons able to prosecute them.  And pardon themselves if convicted. And control the balance of the Supreme Court. The only Branch able to rein the Executive in.  Power corrupts.  Absolute power corrupts absolutely. 
 In reading John Bolton's account of how inept 46 Trump is concerning foreign affairs, and defense positions I propose a Constitutional Amendment requiring President candidates to supply resume items to include at least 2 terms House Representative, or 1 term Senator, or 36 months Vice President, Secretary of State, or State of Defense. 
 Analytics test
And the chief Inquisitor with malice asked, "Where is your God?"  Here am I answered; and you. I grabbed the Inquisitor by the shoulders.  My God is within all people in their acts of love and hate, their dreams and nightmares, their creations and their destructions.  The very fact that we as people exist comes from the concept of us. Which has formed piece by tiny piece in the hearts and minds of every living thing that has had life and been drawn to the light above in our universe.  Each conception of how to sustain life and reach towards that light has been a building block upon which following concepts have been built. The sea that became a cell. The cell that became a living thing. The living thing that moved and survived vs. the one that did not.  The surviving ones moving ever towards the light above. Reaching up mountains and into the air.  The ones today reaching into Space. The myriad of successes and failures leading to the rise of us.  Each leaf that succeeded in
 Grace, Mercy, and Forgiveness. There is the Holy Trinity.  Picking and choosing what Biblical law to follow and which to cast aside is a fools errand.   Annihilating the alien among you, ignoring the law to build cities for the alien to flee to. Casting out the poor, the lonely, the widow, the orphan, the woman judged to be stoned in the street, and to take in the wealthy, the judges, the violent, in contradiction to The One Commandment of The One Holy One.  To build up riches upon earth and not riches in heaven. To lose respect for our fathers' and mothers' gifts and sacrifices. To bare false witness, and call it truth. To testify falsely and call it Justice. To put on the Crown, when there is only One worthy to put it on.  The Bible is written by men, and women. Whom have the knowledge of good and evil being cast out of the garden for listening to the voice of The Liar.   The accounts written there-for need be written by those who heard both voices speaking to them.  Only Th
 IMHO. I can be free say Republican followers of Trump as long as I obey their control of my life gifted to them by the Creator with inclusion of supreme wisdom to dictate my wealth, my worship, my wishes for social justice, and my ability to enact change in my government. Free, free at last. Where has my deliverer been?