And the chief Inquisitor with malice asked, "Where is your God?" 
Here am I answered; and you. I grabbed the Inquisitor by the shoulders. 

My God is within all people in their acts of love and hate, their dreams and nightmares, their creations and their destructions. 

The very fact that we as people exist comes from the concept of us. Which has formed piece by tiny piece in the hearts and minds of every living thing that has had life and been drawn to the light above in our universe. 

Each conception of how to sustain life and reach towards that light has been a building block upon which following concepts have been built.

The sea that became a cell. The cell that became a living thing. The living thing that moved and survived vs. the one that did not. 

The surviving ones moving ever towards the light above. Reaching up mountains and into the air. 

The ones today reaching into Space.

The myriad of successes and failures leading to the rise of us. 

Each leaf that succeeded in turning sunlight into sugar. 

Each butterfly that succeeded in it's migration of a thousand miles from frigid north to equatorial south. 

Each person that failed or succeeded in love and creating a child. 

Each in their movement, interaction, and time spent among us, has added to the cumulative energy of life upon this blue world. A continuous drop of rain, a stream, a river, an ocean, of life. 

Knowing it's self, as we know ourselves. 

For indeed we are made in the image of it. 

So it is reasonable to believe it feels in ways we do. If we are silent and listen. 

We have believed that our Creator is far away beyond the cosmos, and does not hear us! 

When our Creator is right here in front of us.  And it is for us to be silent, listen and hear.

Albeit the Creators' forces may originate and be found in the far ends of the cosmos. But forces are not The Living One. 

The Living One is ever-present around us. Be Silent and Listen.    

Knowing this, can we live with this power and grace? 

Can we give honor to that from which we come?

 Can we surrender dominion?

Can we ask for forgiveness for the pain and death we have brought upon the One that gave us life?

Can we be Silent and Listen?

Can we hear the voice of our Creator? 

Or de we let the pounding of blood in our brains drown out that voice? 

Do we let our false picture of dominion over the earth deceive our mind and spirit?

Into belief we have Dominion over earth, heavens, our spirits, and the lives of All the Living Parts of The Living One?

Leaving hatred and violence to take an eye for an eye, a life for a life?

Until the whole world is blind and devoid of us?  

Some pundits have said that the Living One will be unaffected. 

The vast expanse of Time will not miss us. 

I think the pundits are wrong. 

I think that the impetus that drew us up from the cosmos in the first place will notice our absence. 

Embarking to draw up again a reflection of it's self. 

It will do this because it is heart is broken.

And because it cries out. 

We heard that cry from the cross. 

Jesus' words, "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani !" 


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