Israeli knesset has voted to never grant Palestinian independence or peace or land. Claiming rights over all of Gaza and the West Bank.  

In this extremist light the solution I see to secure Middle East peace for ourselves and avoid Armageddon as Arab nations unite to fight Israel drawing US into a conflict we supply with troops is:

Withdraw all the remaining Palestinian population in the West Bank and Gaza to the United States. Establish them on a path to citizenship.  Provide housing and health temporarily ( clossed military bases could be used). Provide paths for loans to establish businesses. 

Levy Israel a tribute to pay for 1. their newly acquired land at ours and the world's expense for never peacefully establishing their State in 1946 but taking it by force over the objections of all the WWII nations. 2. the cost of resettling the Palestinian people in the U.S.. 

The US taking this action keeps the Palestinians as a people vs a complete dispersion. Which is the Israeli objective it seems in retaliation for perceived historic wrongdoings.  In my view the wrongdoings are plentiful enough that all sides share responsibility. 

The long range advantage of taking in the Palestinians is 1. It defuses imminent war. 2. It places the US in the world as assertive and unifying directly opposite Russian as warring and divisive. 3. It promotes the US image and reality as a Nation built by immigrants. Believing the Palestinians will be productive Citizens. 4.It creates an income stream from Israel vs. a drain. 

The monetary hit should be substantial.  And substantial sum paid at implementing the plan. A yearly sum on the order of 10% of Israeli GDP. Using a Biblical reference a forgiveness "Jubilee " excepting every seventh year would recognize Israeli Biblical views and fiscal challenges. 

A substantial penalty should also be included should circumvention of the agreement arise. A doubling of the timeline for payment. i.e. from 40 years to 80 years. 


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