
Showing posts from August, 2024
 Inter-active Theater:  And a lesson in Action, and Acceptance. Setting; a movie-house. A dramatic movie plays. For instance "Eric" where a young 9 year old boy goes missing. The entire movie hangs upon the suspense of the whereabouts of the missing boy and the history and motives of the people surrounding him.  Netfilx or popular approach the audience is held in to the end awaiting the happy ending, the boy is found, the players are resolved.  The 'dark' approach the ending is less than happy, Tragic, and the audience is made to feel guilty for the ugly world they witness.  The Inter-active approach: while the movie plays; Actors enter the theater as patrons and enter in disturbing dialogue, parallel to what players in the movie are portraying.  i.e. Parents of missing boy argue, Actors as a couple argue and disturb the performance.  The missing boy is revealed as a run-away, but is being held against his will. A child actor enters the theater and disturbs the patron
 About Ukraine President Zelensky and 'Neo-Nazi' labels.  The premise Zelensky is 'neo-Nazi' suggests a basic conflict in that a Jewish man can both be an anti-Semite and a jew.  Either 'neo-nazi' is not what the label implies or a man who's family suffered in the Holocost can betray his own roots.  This conflict appears again in the actions of President Netanyahu in his almost Nazi emulating ultra-nationalist, superior peoples', near genocidal pursuit of the Palestinian people in Gaza. The conflict of 'good' is 'evil' and 'evil' is 'good' is spoken in Revelations of John. The Jewish people are IMHO in a dilemma of Spirit and Identity as Caliphas was at the crucifixion of Jesus.  Either Jesus was a blasphemer and guilty of profaning God, justifying Caliphas a righteous man. OR Jesus was the Son of God and Caliphas identity as living under God was on false base and his belief system in collapse.   As Christians' many of