Inter-active Theater:  And a lesson in Action, and Acceptance.

Setting; a movie-house. A dramatic movie plays. For instance "Eric" where a young 9 year old boy goes missing. The entire movie hangs upon the suspense of the whereabouts of the missing boy and the history and motives of the people surrounding him. 

Netfilx or popular approach the audience is held in to the end awaiting the happy ending, the boy is found, the players are resolved. 

The 'dark' approach the ending is less than happy, Tragic, and the audience is made to feel guilty for the ugly world they witness. 

The Inter-active approach: while the movie plays; Actors enter the theater as patrons and enter in disturbing dialogue, parallel to what players in the movie are portraying.  i.e. Parents of missing boy argue, Actors as a couple argue and disturb the performance.  The missing boy is revealed as a run-away, but is being held against his will. A child actor enters the theater and disturbs the patrons asking for help and/or money/shelter.  The purpose being: IF the audience intervenes and takes action - the movie ends with a Happy Ending. IF NOT and the audience ignores or reprimands the actors - i.e. does not put-it-together a movie is related to life-encountered-on-the-street, the Ending is Tragic. By the projectionist changing the reels mid-show for the optional ending. 

Space dramas could be approached this way and Apocalyptical Dramas, Love Stories, possibly Historical Docu-Dramas. 
The old TV show "Your on Candid Camera" is part of the spark of this idea. 

Of course this will only work for the roll-out of the movie on an opening night simultaneously in multiple locations. Unless Netflix can text annoying interruptions to viewers homes during the watching of the movies.  Oh wait they already do that. LOL  :) :) :)   

If there are Angels are they the actors intervening in the 'movie' of our lives? And does that make the projectionist, God. Changing the reel of our 'Ending' from Tragic to Happy or Worse? 

This crisis in my identity at the very least prompts me to believe in Angels and trying to open my eyes to see, heart to hear, and hands to heal. I should turn off the TV and go into the street and make a difference. In my weakness I will move where I can make a difference, and pray the physics of the universe creates a better world. 

"Eric" the movie ends with both happy and tragic endings. The missing boy is found and restored to his family, yet a second missing boy is discovered murdered and his body missing in the NYC landfills. 

The World Trade Centers figure prominently in the backgrounds of this movie. Reminding me/us of the value of life. Searching history of the buildings I discover the architect had worked for Bin Laden Group Construction prior to World Trade Centers and emulated Arab Architecture. Could it be that death and destruction was the result of a single sons' hostility for his parent played out against the biggest canvas he could find?

If I were one of 60 some odd siblings with countless step-mothers, uncles, aunts, and a missing father what hostility would I host?  

Middle Eastern tradition seems to hold procreation to a extreme high regard. God said, "Abraham I will make you father of Nations.", "Count the stars, so shall your offspring be." 

Could Jesus be the only son of Mary to break the chains of 'wifely duties' and raise child birth to a new and holy height by her free choice and acceptance of the Holy Ghost? And Joseph's role as widower, father, and step-father raise the bar how a father's acceptance and love should be shared? 

When Jesus taught us to pray, "Our father" was He picturing Joseph his earthly father and love expressed there intertwined with His heavenly Father? And did Jesus do this, a prayer to "Our Father" to shift our focus from Abraham to Joseph? From masters of dominion, to masters of acceptance? 


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