About Ukraine President Zelensky and 'Neo-Nazi' labels. 

The premise Zelensky is 'neo-Nazi' suggests a basic conflict in that a Jewish man can both be an anti-Semite and a jew. 

Either 'neo-nazi' is not what the label implies or a man who's family suffered in the Holocost can betray his own roots. 

This conflict appears again in the actions of President Netanyahu in his almost Nazi emulating ultra-nationalist, superior peoples', near genocidal pursuit of the Palestinian people in Gaza.

The conflict of 'good' is 'evil' and 'evil' is 'good' is spoken in Revelations of John.

The Jewish people are IMHO in a dilemma of Spirit and Identity as Caliphas was at the crucifixion of Jesus.  Either Jesus was a blasphemer and guilty of profaning God, justifying Caliphas a righteous man. OR Jesus was the Son of God and Caliphas identity as living under God was on false base and his belief system in collapse.  

As Christians' many of us recognize the 'call to the cross' of 'a contrite spirit'. 
It is the similar collapse of a belief system that we fall in a despair and turn to Jesus to cling for hope and salvation and redemption. 

Caliphas, Netanyahu, et.el. are still in rebellion against the idea of Jesus as King of the Jews. So far possibly that we Christians appear as Nazi's threatening their identity. Even in the presence of our emotional and personal support for them. 

Netanyahu's denial goes further in that he is leading a Nation in National denial that Israel as a People and a Nation abandoned and left Israel nearly 2000 years ago with the denial of Jesus and subsequent prophesized destruction of the Temple and the Nation of Israel.

I.e. Christians' are the reason for the dispersal.

And the Jewish re-population of Palestine taken by action of War over the objections of the United Nations and a map and plan to establish the Palestine people who had been living on the land for the interim near 2000 years. 

The recognition of these People is as much a threat to Jewish Leaders as Jesus was.  It completely takes away the rock on which they stand. It would give a right to defend to the Palestinian people and remove the presumed ownership of land as directly from God. Requiring a perceived descent from "chosen" people to 'equal' people. A choice they seem not ready to make.  


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